Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

CfP Perspectives on Structuralism

An der LMU München findet nächstes Jahr vom 16.-18. Februar ein Internationaler Workshop zum Thema 'Perspectives on Structuralism' statt, dazu gibt es nun ein CfP, Deadline ist der 30. September 2011:

Aus dem CfP:

"Since its first exposition in Sneed´s seminal work, the structuralist approach has engendered a large series of conceptual and historical investigations of scientific theories. Particularly welcome are contributions relating the structuralist program to methods, approaches, and research agendas along the entire spectrum of philosophy, particularly in the philosophy of science and logic.

Themes include (but are not limited to):
Semantic Reasoning with Structuralism
Model-theoretic Foundations
Cartography of Structuralist Approaches
Statements in the Non-Statement-View
Structuralism and Belief Revision
Epistemology of Structuralism
Future Perspective and Potentialities

To contribute, please send an extended abstract (1000 to 1500 words) prepared for blind review on or before September 30, 2011"

weitere Informationen gibt es hier online

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